Resetting My Morning Routine

Lounge Wear Top: Shopbop (More lounge wear tops HERE) // Lounge Wear Pants: Shopbop (More lounge wear tops HERE)

It’s that time of year where everyone is making new years resolutions and focusing on the things they would like to change. Honestly this year I didn’t make resolutions. I do it every year and never complete them haha so this year I am winging it!

One thing I do believe in working on though is a morning routine. This is the one thing that sets you up for the whole day. It kick starts you into productivity and completing small tasks. Every morning routine looks different depending on things that you need to prioritize before heading off to work.

Over the past couple weeks, I have been sharing more about my new morning routine. Particularly that I have been resetting myself to get up and work out around 4:30am. There have been many inquires about when I go to sleep, why I like to be up that early, what else do I do in the morning. Today I wanted to share all the details from when I go to bed, to when I walk out the door!

***Disclaimer: This is something that can vary day to day depending on when I wake up and what I have going on in a day. Somedays I am really good at sticking with this routine and others I am just flying through hair and make up to get out the door quickly. But for me, I thrive off of structure and routines so this is what helps me kick off my day.


A good morning routine, starts with getting enough sleep. Staying up till 1am working can really hurt your routine in the morning. You get a later start, you run late for a meeting, you spill coffee on your blouse, you can’t find a parking spot, etc. Things just start to spiral and getting back on track throughout the day can be even more challenging.

I like to be in bed around 10:30pm no matter if I am getting up at 4am or 6am. Even if I have to wake up early I still get around 6 hours of sleep. I am guilty though about laying in bed scrolling through Instagram or falling asleep watching Netflix’s haha.

Wake Up Call

To wake up in the morning, I have 3 alarms set to go off. For example, I have one that goes off at 3:50am, one at 4am and one at 4:10am. This helps pull me out of my sleep and lets me lay there for about 10 minutes before getting up!

Work Out

The night before I lay my workout clothes out for my to easily slip into (This helps a lot when I am still half asleep haha). I head off to Orange Theory around 4:20am and get there around 4:25am. Thank goodness for being only down the road or else I don’t know if I would make it.

The Orange Theory workout last for about 60 minutes so I get back to my house around 5:45am. Which means I have some time to relax before starting to get ready. After the workout I shower and do my morning skin routine. Which includes, Kiehl’s Cleanser, Lush Toner Spray, and Peter Thomas Roth Hydrating Moisturzer.

Making Breakfast & Lunch

After showering and relaxing a little, I start to make my breakfast and lunch around 6am. For breakfast, I have one large cup of coffee and then make a smoothie to take with me to the office.

Smoothie: 1 cup of Milk, 2 tbsp’s of Plain Greek Yogurt, 1 tbsp of Almond butter, handful of frozen mixed berries, and handful of spinach.

For lunch I normally pack a lot of snacking foods and then either a wrap or sandwich. Snacks include, cherry tomatoes, cheese stick, carrots, and celery. The wrap/sandwich includes, deli turkey, swiss cheese, spinach, and ranch dressing. Lastly, I always pack a La Croix!

Hair & Make Up

Around 6:15am I like to turn on the news, catch up on emails, review over meetings for the day, look at DM’s, setup my Instagram post and start my make up. This is my time to take things slow and get ready at my own pace. I hate feeling rushed in the morning so it’s important for me to take an hour to get ready.

My make up routine is in this post HERE! I have tried some new products since posting this but for the most part everything has stayed the same.

My hair routine is using the Revlon Round Brush hair dryer. I section my hair off and go from the bottom all the way to the top. This round brush has cut my hair time in half. I used to have to blow dry it and then I would curl it. But with this tool, it blow drys and styles it! It normally takes about 15 minutes to go through my whole head which isn’t long for me.

Getting Dressed

Once my hair and make up is done around 7:15/7:30am, I head to the closet to pick out what I am wearing that day. The trick for me to pick an outfit quickly is having pinned images on Pinterest! I have my iPad with me and scroll through some inspiration before landing on the look.

Another thing that really helps me pick an outfit is having everything on display, in sections and color coded. For example all my blazers are together, my work pants are together, my jeans are together, my blouses are together, etc. It really helps to go through and grab what you want easily without digging around.

Heading Out The Door

Depending on how long I stood in my closet staring at all the clothes I have but no outfits to wear (we have all been there), determines what else I can fit in before leaving. There are three things I absolutely have to do though.

  1. Brush my teeth (Gotta take care of that coffee breath)
  2. Make my bed (No matter what time I get up this helps me feel like I have completed something)
  3. Snap a picture of my outfit in the mirror and post it (For you all!)

Then I am grabbing my smoothie, lunch, laptop, work bag and heading out the door to my car!

If you got through all this then a round of applause to you haha. Hope you found this helpful in some way and answered some of your questions! If not, I am happy to discuss more in the comments below:)


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  1. 1.15.20
    Dana Mannarino said:

    YOU GO GIRL! Even if you only do this routine a few times a week, still such a win! I was trying to do the same for a while to get some work done for the blog in the morning before going to the office…thinking I need to get back into it!

    Dana | The Champagne Edit 

  2. 1.16.20
    Dina said:

    Love the routine! Keep doing what you’re doing!