What I am Currently Reading!

Hello Friday!! As we are heading into the weekend, I thought I would bring you a little bit more of a slower post today. First off, I am not a book nerd at all… Ask my parents. They would beg me to read when I was younger and I was not about. Lately I have started to appreciate things that slow my brain down at the end of the day. Reading is one of them and I believe it’s due to this really great book, “My Husband’s Wife”, I found while traveling back from California a couple weeks ago!

Now if you have come here for a challenging book then your definitely in the wrong place. I am all about the easy reads but I get bored when they are predictable. “My Husband’s Wife” is definitely not predictable at all. When I was strolling through the little convenient store at the airport to grab water and a snack, I always take a peek at the books they have. To be honest I have no idea why because I normally am working on planes. But this book title intrigued me a lot.

I am so glad I picked “My Husband’s Wife” up! Without giving anything away, the story is based in England and is about a lawyers shoot to fame from a high profile case. She has a neighbor who is 6 years old and holds a lot of secrets about the people around her. Which she grows to understand can be very powerful. If your wanting a love story about marriage and murder, this is your book! When I was reading it, it reminded me a lot of “Gone Girl”. The ending definitely had me in shock haha.

Let me know what your favorite book is right now or what your wanting to start reading! I would love some recommendations. I haven’t explored a lot of murder mystery books yet. This book was a little less scary as it was a thriller. But I would be open to trying one. Everyone says to read “The Women In Cabin 10”. If you have read it what were your thoughts? Super scary?

Have a wonderful weekend! I hoped on a plane early this morning and am in Phoenix, AZ for a couple days to celebrate a good friend getting married:)


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