I’m 25 Today… Does That Mean I’m An Adult Now?

Pajamas: Nordstrom // Duvet Cover: Nordstrom // Shams: Nordstrom // Pillows: Home Goods

Happy Birthday To ME!! I thought this title was very fitting for how I am feeling about turning 25 today haha! Growing up I always believed that everyone over the age of 20 had figured out life… not kidding. I used to think when I am in my 20’s I will know everything. Boy was I beyond wrong lol. Everyday I am learning something so knew about myself or the world around me but most importantly I am learning that I am very far from being an “adult”.

Last year for my birthday I did a post called “24 Things For My 24th Birthday” and I wanted to do kind of a spin on that for this birthday! So here are 25 things about me that make me an adult but not really haha.

  1. First thing’s first… I live at home with my parents LOL. Honestly, though in hind sight it’s probably a very “adult” thing for me to do because I am being smart with my money.
  2. Don’t know how to cook for myself. Jeremy got me “I Don’t Know How To Cook” cook book and I have yet to open it haha.
  3. Just bought myself a car but still had to have my dad co-sign because no credit history yet.
  4. Wanted to be an adult by getting all my own insurance… now it feels like I get bills everyday.
  5. Whenever I post a picture on Instagram, my best friend always texts me to let me know what grammar is wrong in the caption!
  6. I drink a glass of wine at night because #workmademe
  7. My friends are starting to have kids and I am still confused on when it we switched to an age that it was acceptable to have them on purpose.
  8. I still ask my mom to make me doctor appointments… anyone else?
  9. Instead of having friends all within walking distance, I now have friends all over the country which means I can’t run next door to see if they are home anymore.
  10. I try really hard to decorate for the holidays because I think that means I am “adulting”.
  11. The other day I poured myself a glass of red wine then spilt it all over my white sheets… On the bright side I managed to get it out all by myself!
  12. My wardrobe is slowly transitioning into all work clothes:(
  13. I am a morning person 100%! Which makes getting up easy for work… at the same time I am ready for a nap at noon.
  14. As I get older the more I realize the balance of life is knowing you have the weekend.
  15. I just recently became a coffee connoisseur if you will. I got a coffee grinder and now think I am a barista.
  16. Every morning I wake up and make myself a cup of coffee before work. If I forget this step in my morning routine because I am running late, I am such a grumpy person. Since when does a drink decide the mood I am in?
  17. Let’s be honest, hangovers are WAY worse now that I am getting older. I truly don’t understand how age has anything to do with my alcohol tolerance?
  18. My life is run by a planner… if I don’t write it down it will never get done haha.
  19. Someone asked me the other day if I was enjoying working and I responded “yeah!”. They responded with “Good. Only 40 more years of this.”
  20. I am the definition of the meme that says, “Complains about being broke while sipping on a $5 latte.” haha
  21. It’s all about celebrating the little things in life now like being about to leave work 30 minutes early! Who knew how excited one could get when walking to their car about leaving at 4:30 instead of 5.
  22. I have a phobia of the little red notification button. Anytime it’s there I have to go clear it out by opening the app on my phone. But with work emails this is getting harder and harder to do.
  23. They gave us the option to put our work email on our phone… I missed a meeting because I didn’t get an alert telling me where I needed to be. Now I have my work email on my phone.
  24. I now enjoy listening to the morning radio shows instead of music because the same songs play over and over again on the radio and it’s a quick way to get whats going on in the news.
  25. And of course now that I am an adult I thoroughly enjoy watching movies on Friday night way more than I do going out at night haha. I know I am not the only one at out there!

If you have made it through all 25 “adult” things about me then I applaud you haha. In all honesty 24 was an incredible year for me personally and professionally. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. 25 is going to be a great year and I am looking forward to seeing what the year brings:)

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  1. 9.18.18

    Happy birthday!! Loved reading this post .. it was cracking me up because these are all so true about #adulting!

    How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com

    • 9.24.18
      Hannah said:

      Thank you!! haha I was trying to think what on earth I could write about now that I am 25 and then it hit me that I am not as grown up as I wish I was! Thanks for reading:)